Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Burns Night

Because we are DARK on January 25, we held our Robbie Burns dance last week.  Some of the tunes required a bit of thinking to make the Scottish connection, and Brent did his usual stellar job of calling them all.  Thanks to our visitors for attending, Bruce McL for his spirited address to the McHaggis, Dianne and Daphne for treats and Dave & Jenny for decorations.  Here are a few photos.



Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Brent’s Bunch is DARK Thursday, January 4

Happy New Year!
We want to let any visitors know that the City of Burnaby is installing a new floor in the Pavilion this week so we are not able to dance on Jan 4. So please don't visit this week, but we would be very pleased to see you for a try out of the new flooring or just a social visit next week, or at our Burns Night the following week, January 18.

Our revised schedule is posted at the top of the sidebar at right.  We hope to see you soon!
